Bible prophecy end times book online
Lowell Taylor is a Bible Scholar of the prophetic events of our day.
As a youth, Lowell would reflect on the return of Christ in power and glory. However, it was just after graduating from High School that he fell in love with the scriptures and not long after that he began studying the prophetic events of our day.
As time went on, he read the scriptures on a regular basis and maintained a keen interest in verses relating to events of our day.
Then, one night in 1998, Lowell woke up at about one A.M. and could get back to sleep. So he did what he normally did, he got up and read the scriptures. It was that night that an amazing thing happened. Unlike any other prior time in his life he had a feast with the Spirit and the scriptures, in which he was shown some connections and correlations between verses and chapters. It was amazing!
By four A.M. Lowell was getting tired and started to forget some of the connections and correlations made earlier. He went into his office and quickly started to write about the connections and correlations. Looking back, the insights of that night were very few compared to all the ones he has made over the years since. However, it was that night God planted in Lowell’s heart an unquenchable drive to work with God to understand the prophetic events of our day.
One interesting thing about the beginning of that journey was that Lowell felt a strong impression, “Don’t use the commentaries!” In wondering how he was to gain an understanding Lowell received a powerful impression to stick to the scriptures.
Very soon after that night, Lowell began printing out insights he had gained to share with others. Although he thought he had made real progress, the reality was he had only taken baby steps. Yet, the responsibility to share with others has been as strongly embedded into his heart as was the unquenchable drive to work with God to understand the prophetic events of our day.
With the insight Lowell gained early in the journey he learned the importance of a land of liberty, and ever since has made efforts to encourage people to support freedom.
Long story short, the journey has been line upon line, a lot of fasting and prayer, and a beautiful bonding time with God. As time has gone on, current events have happened which have led to greater clarity. This is a work in progress.
Over the years as Lowell would make connections and correlations he would then feel it was okay to check commentaries. During one of those times Lowell found that many commentaries had referenced some chapters in the Bible as having begun being fulfilled anciently, when in reality those chapters are about our day. That was a special “Ah-ha!” moment for Lowell. He then knew why God didn’t want him to start by going to the commentaries.
Over the years, Lowell has written many books, made many websites, videos, DVD’s, and other things to try and share the insights he has gained.
In 2015 he felt God wanted him to write a fictional story that would bring out factual insights. Lowell had no idea what the story would be like, how it would start, or when it would end. He just sat down and began typing. By the next day it was drafted out. A few months later it was an eBook, yet only a few copies were sold.
Then, in August of 2015, current events happened which made it clear to Lowell that the Bible referenced the United States regarding this very moment in time. In November of 2015 Lowell wrote all fifty governors and since then has emailed and called more than once.
During the 2016 election Lowell felt impressed to sit back and keep working in the back ground. Trump fit a prophetic person much better than Obama and we all know how the election turned out.
In March of 2017 Lowell again felt the hand of God guiding him to rework the eBook to reflect the greater clarity gained by the election and other current events. Yet this time, Lowell was to print the book.
In April of 2017 another miracle happened when God guided Lowell to two valiant Christians who have the potential to help this information finally get out to the billions of people like you who, whether they know it or not, really desperately need it.
Although not much became of that connection mentioned above, they are dear friends and the story is not over.
On primary election day, August 11, 2020, I called a friend who gave me the number of a person who owned a radio station. After telling the owner of the radio station about the project, he gave me the names and numbers to two individuals. One owned a few radio stations and one had a TV show. The radio station was not interested in what I had to say. However, by the end of the phone conversation I had with Dale Davidson, host of the Las Vegas Tonight TV show, he had invited me on his show. We ended up shooting two episodes on August 27, 2020. Had a great time! The two episodes have been shown on over 100 stations across the country and in Asia.
And the journey continues!