BIBLE Signs Happening show - Bible Signs Happening April 7, 2023 update - Finally! Erdogan looks to be positioning to fulfill more of his Bible prophecy

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April 7, 2023 update - Finally! Erdogan looks to be positioning to fulfill more of his Bible prophecy

Keep this update in mind. If you haven't already done so, watch the clip on the 19 Bible prophetic points to shape up, some in progress, some fulfilled 2022 to 2024ish.
This move by President Erdogan can easily play into the direction of the reason why the US will attack and remove Erdogan and Khamenei.
Here's the link to the that has the clip on the 19 Bible prophetic points.
Look for Step 2

I'm seeing the Kari Lake case regarding the ballot envelope signature verification qualifications and procedures challenged as a way that plays in favor of Trump getting back in power.

Another sign that leads me to think Trump will be back in power soon is the intensifying clash between Iran and Israel. 

I feel the war between Iran and Israel is going to get worse soon. When Trump gets back in power he will want to put Khamenei out of power. 

In yesterday's update page I wrote "I still don't see a reason why Trump will remove Erdogan from power."
As you can see,that has all changed within 24 hours.

We need to keep an eye on that.



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